Historical Overview

Background History of Indians employed on board.

Until the late 1950’s Indian Officers predominately manned Indian Flag Vessels. On the other hand, Indian Ratings have for over a century been manning foreign flag ships mostly British.
The 60’s saw a new trend wherein services of Indian Officers started to be requisitioned for foreign flag ships. Steadily India became an important provider of manpower for ship owners all over the globe.

The Birth of FOSMA

Representatives of Foreign Shipowners and Managers had no real representation with the administration regarding matters relating to Officers Certification and other matters. With certification matters becoming more stringent there was a need for continuous dialogue with governmental departments for complying with national and international rules and regulations concerning education, training standards, recruitment procedures, certificate procedures etc.,
To meet the above an association of Foreign Owners Representatives and Shipmanagers Association (FOSMA was formed on 3rd Nov 1989.

From small beginnings, FOSMA has today risen to its present eminent position comprising of Thirty three companies as members which represents a majority of Indian Seafarers working on Foreign Flag vessels.